Adjustments to Financial Aid Funding

Student Financial Services (SFS) may review and possibly revise financial aid funding (grant, scholarship, work study, loan, etc.) throughout the year.

Please review the Terms & Conditions for more details:

Undergraduate Student Fact Sheet

Graduate Student Fact Sheet

Health Science Student Fact Sheet

Enrollment Status

Most financial aid funding is based on the assumption that students will enroll as full-time students. This is twelve (12) credits for undergraduates and nine (9) credits for graduate students. Thus, if students change their status from full-time to part-time, withdraw during a semester, or stop attending an aid adjustment may be necessary.

Other Factors

Other contributing factors that require financial aid funding to be adjusted include changes to academic progress, matriculation changes (undergraduate to graduate program), anticipated graduation date, FAFSA information, additional funding resources (scholarship, tuition remission, etc...) and housing status changes.